
[one_half position=””]Telehealth is used to monitor a patients physiological and health condition. It involves various electronic sensors or monitoring equipment which monitors vital signs like Blood Pressure, Pulse, blood oxygen, and weight whilst the patient is at home. Readings are automatically transmitted to a server where an appropriately trained person or persons can monitor the vital signs and make potential decisions about interventions without the person having to visit the clinic. This is preventative and proactive and can save time and money and significantly improve the health and quality of life of the patient.

How it works:

  1. The patient takes daily readings of their blood pressure, pulse, blood oxygen levels and weight using the equipment provided.
  2. The results are automatically sent to and stored in the main unit.
  3. The unit then sends the data to a secure server where it can be viewed by an appropriately trained person or persons.
  4. Results are then analysed by trained personel who can then spot any abnormalities or causes for concern and make decisions accordingly.


  • Proactive and preventative rather than reactive and responsive.
  • Avoidance or delay of admission to nursing/care homes
  • Less time spent in hospitals, Early discharges, frees up beds and therefore reduces costs.
  • Improved utilisation of Healthcare professionals(Less visits by patients to GP surgeries)

[/one_half][one_half position=”last”] djs-telecare-pages-telehealth





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